It’s easy to dismiss 2021 as an “off-year” election or as a time to rest, especially after an exhausting general election. But if 2020 taught us anything, it’s that the successful turnout of the November election was the result of YEARS of hard work by thousands of nonprofits in every state.
We know 2021 is a year for building — a time to renew and strengthen our democratic processes. For 15 years, we’ve worked with 501(c)3 organizations across the country to do the kind of robust, nonpartisan voter engagement work that we saw payoff in the record-breaking voter turnout in last year’s election. We believe our work — creating crucial resources, webinars, trainings and more for nonprofits to use in their communities — is necessary in creating a more representative democracy.
If you agree and want to be part of our BUILDING DEMOCRACY TOGETHER effort, you can start right now by giving $20, $50, $100 or whatever amount is right for your budget. Please consider a monthly or quarterly sustaining contribution to magnify your impact without shredding your monthly budget. Every dollar raised goes to expand our networks, train nonprofit staff across the country to help their communities register and vote and use every form of communication to share vital voting data with folks who may otherwise go unheard in any election.