This is a list of all sites that participated in our survey. Read more about the survey in our Methodology section.
CRC: The Ark Childcare & Preschool, Boys & Girls Clubs of the San Luis Valley, Boulder Food Rescue, The Center on Colfax, Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, Emergency Family Assistance Association, Family Resource Center, Harm Reduction Action Center, Latino Community Foundation of Colorado, Manna – The Durango Soup Kitchen, Metro Caring, Mi Casa Resource Center, Mile High United Way – Bridging the Gap, Mountain Family Health Centers, North Fork Valley Public Radio, Peak Vista Community Health Centers, Salud Family Health Centers, Sister Carmen Community Center, Small Town Project, Sunrise Community Health Centers, and Warren Village
PAVotes: Abilities in Motion, Alleghenies United Cerebral Palsy, Allentown Housing Authority, Anthracite Region Center for Independent Living (ARCIL), Arab-American Development Corp, Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center, Center for Independent Living of South Central PA, HACE CDC, League of Women Voters Erie County Chapter, League of Women Voters of Philadelphia, PHAN, Philadelphia Interfaith Hospitality Network, Rankin/Mon Valley/Pittsburgh Section of the National Council of Negro Women, Self Advocates United as 1, Third Street Alliance, Uptown Partners, and Voices for Independence
MNA: 211, ABISA, ACCESS, APIA Vote Michigan, Arab and Chaldean Council, Busy Bee Here to Help, Capital Area United Way, Chaldean Community Foundation, Delta Sigma Theta, LWV Grand Rapids, United Way of Southwest Michigan, University of Michigan – Dearborn, and YMCA of Greater Grand Rapids
DemNC: A Better Chance A Better Community, New Day Outreach Center, Bertie County NAACP, Brick Capital CDC, Cumberland Health Net, Delta Sigma Theta Enfield-Roanoke Rapids, El Vinculo Hispano / The Hispanic Liaison, Gladys Rogers Darensburg Foundation, HOLLA CDC, Interfaith Clergy, Justice Served NC, Inc., Kinston Teens, Inc., Ministers Conference of Winston Salem & Vicinity, NC 100, New Creation Apostolic Worship Tabernacle, Parkway United Church of Christ, Project Cover, Rural Health Group, The Tipping Point, United Health Centers, WNCAP, and YWCA of Asheville
OHVotes: Access Center for Independent Living, Care Alliance Health Clinic, Dayton Metro Library, Dayton Peace Museum, DCR, The Devil Strip, Downtown Cleveland Alliance, Eta Tau Lambda Alpha Phi Alpha, First Grace United Church of Christ, Greater Cleveland Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Greater Collinwood Development Corporation, Horvitz YouthAbility of JFSA Cleveland, League of Women Voters of Akron, Greater Cleveland, LifeCare Alliance, Mahoning Youngstown, NEOCH, NOVA, OCCHA, River Valley Organizing Project, Smart Development, Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership, and Young Latino Network