Iowa Secretary of State
• How to register to vote online and in-person
• How to request an absentee ballot
• Polling locations
• Information on voter ID and MORE!
State Voter Registration Form
• Your state voter registration form
• Steps on how to register to vote
Please contact the state elections office for any exceptions or laws on the use of this form.
Vote-by-Mail Application
• How to request a vote-by-mail form
• Steps to how to vote-by-mail
Please contact the state’s elections office for more information
• Laws for conducting Voter Registration Drives
• Links to voter registration drive materials
• Contact method for election offices
Please keep in mind that it is always better to contact your state officials about voting information.
Iowa Nonprofit Alliance
The Iowa Nonprofit Alliance will unify Iowa nonprofits by creating a membership organization offering much needed services and support dedicated to the nonprofit sector. Even though there are organizations in Iowa who serve nonprofits, there is no single organization that welcomes all nonprofit entities by providing consistent and regular information, access to resources, comprehensive data collection and connectivity for learning and development. INA will strengthen Iowa’s nonprofit sector through high-quality and affordable resources for nonprofit leaders and those who serve the sector; educational opportunities; an organized network of nonprofit professionals and volunteers; and a unified voice on issues impacting nonprofit organizations and the people those organizations serve.
Larned A. Waterman Iowa Nonprofit Resource Center
The Larned A. Waterman Iowa Nonprofit Resource Center (LAWINRC) was founded in 2000 to serve a dynamic and growing nonprofit sector in Iowa. The LAWINRC is dedicated to delivering high-quality direct services, education, and research to support current and future nonprofit leaders.